Thursday, January 14, 2010


The class that I observed was small in size and almost homogenous in terms of students` proficiency level.The session began with asking some content related questions by the teacher.In fact the teacher tried to present a simple interaction by giving students the opportunity to personalize the language they learn , make use of their own knowledge and experience and express their ideas and opinions.Infact she asked the students" what they know about....? ". I mean there was some kind of eliciting .But unfortunately interaction in the class was more dominated by the teacher and students spoke when they were called. Infact students mainly responded to the teacher`s initiatives.Although the teacher tried to creat more interaction but the class was more based on teacher – centered methodology.I mean students were so silent and I think also indifferent.The atmosphere wasn`t warm and interesting.
If I want to say in more technical terms there is a distinction between Instructional-Methodological aspect of teacher behaviour such as the selection and presenting of contents and materials and the Interpersonal aspect which is social and emotional, and which concerns the creation and maintenance of a positive and warm classroom atmosphere conductive to learn.The interpersonal behaviour of the teacher in this class was somehow weak and was not an important contributor to learner cognitive and affective outcomes.
In considering to the other components of teacher evaluation ,it can be said that her voice was loud enough and her speech level was clear and in accordance with students` proficiency level. Her speech was also free of mistakes and her pronunciation was acceptable.She didn`t move alot,half of the time she was sitting and the other half she was standing and she didn`t walk thruogh the classroom.She corrects students` errors by repeating the correct form without any interruption of students` speech and the students were respected.

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